Hormone Health

Our endocrine system is one of the major hormone & communication pathways in our body. Things like stress, hormone disrupters, PUFA's, environmental toxins & so much more, can disrupt that system. It's essential to the health & vibrance of our bodies that we care for our hormones. 

When we are stressed our bodies activate what's called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis - the loop of neurotransmitters & hormones that include cortisol. When we’re being chased by a lion, this loop is a good thing. The harm comes when the loop doesn’t turn off. Consistent overproduction of cortisol keeps this loop going & going & going. This means our systems are literally flooded with stress- this stress starts to suppress immunity, slow digestion & can have bad, long-lasting effects.

So, what do we do about it? We find ways to effectively process stress and we support our bodies DAILY with supplements, high-quality nutrition & essential oils!! Endoflex oil is a blend I use daily. It supports healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism, & adrenals - the entire endocrine system! By providing balance to this body system, Endoflex oil gives vital support to the pituitary & pineal glands as well as the parathyroid, thymus & adrenal glands. 

One of the things I take daily for homrone support is Progessance Plus Serum. Your body needs progesterone to cycle correctly, stay calm/balanced & regulate other hormones (specifically estrogen.) Without sufficient progesterone levels, your body will STRUGGLE, so taking a whole food (wild yams) form of progesterone support can do a lot for you!

Low progesterone symptoms:
-poor blood sugar control
-susceptible to stress, overwhelm, worry
-feeling anxious
-not sleeping well
-low temperatures
-moodiness, irritability & rage
-tender breasts
-heavy periods
-irregular cycles
-unexplained weight gain
-PMS symptoms 

We are exposed to something called hormone disrupters on a daily basis. They are in household cleaners, perfumes, food, plastic, receipts & so much more! Hormone disrupters are BAD because they block your body’s ability to function. Hormone disrupters act like natural hormones in the body which then causes the body to not make or absorb enough of each hormone. This is turn causes a long list of health issus.

Where to start today?

For women, our hormones play a huge role in our daily lives. Our bodies run on a cycle of hormones that prepare the body for caring a child. Even if this is not our goal, it's the body's focus and we need to be aware of that when it comes to caring for our bodies. Stopping that natural cycle in our body can be detrimental in other areas. So by doing things like using Progessance Plus to make sure we have enough progesterone, taking Master Formula & NingXia Red to make sure our bodies have the tools they need to function, and using EndoFlex oil to balance our hormones- we are going to give our bodies the ability to function & feel well.

How do I get hormone-support oils?
It's as simple as setting up an account & placing an order!

  1. Click this link to see the whole Young Living website & products.

  2. Pick out your items & add them to your cart. ($ saving tip) the bundles are the best way to go!

  3. If you want to get an extra 24% off your orders for life- make sure your order is 100PV (point value)

  4. Text me for a 10% off code - 218-212-9941

  5. Enter my member # 11818844 at checkout to join us!


Diffusing Oils


Holistic Pregnancy Guide