Holistic Pregnancy Guide
Pregnancy is such a beautiful season! It's full of new growth for mom & baby, strengthening, preparing, & so much refining! Take this time to draw inward. Listen to your mind, baby, & body- do what they are asking of you.
Rest, nourish yourself, protect your peace & space, reflect & process your past & current emotions, & get ready to fall so in love with a tiny human.
This season is going to stretch you so so much- it's in preparation for birth & then motherhood, so though it may be hard, don't resist it. In preparation for your birth you need to learn to surrender your control to God & bring full peace into your mind & body. This doesn't happen overnight so start now.
Birth is not something to fear.
It is perfectly designed into a woman.
A natural birth is an opportunity for a woman to use both incredible strength & surrender to bring her child into the world.
She uses the power of the voice of her body & baby to guide her through the process.
Trusting that her body knows how to do this & her baby knows what it needs, even if she doesn’t.
Her only job is to gather all her strength to surrender to the beautiful process.
My Pregnancy must have’s:
-Books to read (Nurture, Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering, Childbirth Without Fear, The First 40 Days, & Holy Labor)
-Claraderm Spray* (use this daily to prepare your lady parts starting at 36 weeks)
-Progessance Plus serum* (use till 12ish weeks for healthy progesterone levels)
-Moon Womb pillow for better sleep & nursing
-Oils for sleep (Lavender,* Peace & Calming*, Stress Away*, Dream Catcher*, Cedarwood*, Pine*, Frankincense*)
-Oils for back/muscle pain or tension (Deep Relief,* Valor*, Peppermint*)
-"Prenatal" It's not a "one size fits all" so you need to address what your body needs, please don't just take a prenatal. I recommend taking Ningxia Red,* Super B*, Mineral Essence*, OmegaGize*, & Beef Liver use code LILYEIDE10 to save
-For heartburn (Digize*, raw milk)
-For morning sickness, make sure you're getting the above supplements in for nourishment. Things that also may help (Peppermint*, JuvaFlex*, Digize*, Alkalime*)
-For stretch marks (10 drops each Lavender*, Frankincense*, & Copiaba* oils mixed with 1/2c coconut oil)
* Scroll down for a discount code for everything marked with *
Being a parent is making decisions for your child's health. Many of these choices are things you can’t take back- so I encourage you to do your own research & make your decisions carefully, with confidence & without fear.
Decisions to Make/Things to Research:
-OB, Midwife, Birth Center, Home Birth, Free Birth
-GBS testing & antibiotics
-Eye ointment
-Birth classes
-Delayed cord clamping
-Vaccines (all of them. The book Dissolving Illusions is a great resource.)
-Vit K shot
-IV fluids
-Cervical checks
-Continuous fetal monitoring
-Cascade of interventions
-Skin to skin
-The 5-5-5 rule
-Postpartum rest
This is not a full list, but the basics. Yes, I know it can be overwhelming but this is a part of your parenthood- making decisions for your child. This book is an incredible resource for some of these topics. The Natural Minded Mamma has a great list you should read. By the time you deliver, you should have a decision made on each of these things.
Things to prepare your body for birth:
-Yoga or some form of daily stretching
- Pelvic opening movements w/ or w/out a yoga ball
- Make sure you are staying well-hydrated
- Make sure you are consuming a salt & mineral-rich diet. Read this guide to learn more about minerals.
- Claraderm spray* every time you pee sprayed on your lady parts 35 weeks till delivery
-Gentle Birth tincture 3x a day 35 weeks till birth
-Daily movement (walks, hike, biking, whatever you like to do)
-Take the "prenatal" I talked about above, especially Beef Liver & Ningxia Red
-Consume plenty of protein & whole foods
-Journal, process, feel (don't hold things in, now is the time for your emotions to run deep & for you to feel & heal them in preparation for birth & motherhood)
-Minimize sugar & processed foods
-Minimize toxins in your personal care, cleaning, & food products
-Get intentional about nourishment- the Brewer Diet is a great resource.
I am a firm believer that pregnancy is the season of preparing for birth & postpartum. So you can go find my postpartum blog to read that- but here are some of my thoughts on birth.
Birth is not a medical event!!
Women’s bodies were designed perfectly by God to grow, deliver & nourish our babies.
When you lean into trusting & strengthening the trust you have & power in your own body…
You will find yourself giving birth to the mother of your dreams.
We were made for a birth like this.
Without unnecessary interventions. Without extra noise or people. Without panic or fear.
In the comfort of your own home. Surrounded by the people who support & make you feel safe.
Empowered to deliver your child & encouraged to listen to your baby & body to tell you exactly how to do it.
*How do I order oils, NingXia Red, and Mineral Essence??
It's as simple as setting up an account & placing an order!
Click this link to see the whole Young Living website & products.
Pick out your items & add them to your cart. ($ saving tip) the bundles are the best way to go!
If you want to get an extra 24% off your orders for life- make sure your order is 100PV (point value)
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