Nourishing Eating

If you're struggling to know where to start with nourishing, wellness & all the health things- this is for you! 

I was surrounded by naturally minded people for years & learned a lot! I did a lot of the "healthy things". But I hit a point where I knew I needed to do more for my body, but I was super overwhelmed! All the options & ideas were way too much. Eventually, I found a way forward in healing while still doing it sustainably. So I am here to share the things I learned & how to make nourishment easy & doable!

Here are the places I would recommend  starting:
1. Start cooking more at home. Learn how to make yummy meals that are good for you. Use more saturated cooking fats like butter, lard, coconut oil, or other animal fats, & use less unstable oils like canola, olive, vegetable, & margarine.
2. Eat a nutrient-dense breakfast within 1 hour of waking. This is one of the BEST ways to support your hormones, thyroid, energy levels, & overall wellness. By doing this you are telling your body "you are safe & you have enough to eat". It may seem simple & small but this really can do so much for your health!
3. Combine carbs & protein every time you eat. Try thinking about pairing carbs with high-quality protein. Dairy + fruit or meat + potatoes!
4. Start paying attention to the sources of your food. Ask questions like: Who's growing or producing this? Is it local or did it travel a long way to get to your door? What things are sprayed on, fed to, or added to your food?
5. Get Ningxia Red & drink it daily to help support your cells & whole body as an easy & yummy daily supplement. I have a whole blog post on why this supplement is so incredible. 
6. Start eating whole foods. What I mean by that is eggs, root veggies, raw milk, and meat. Foods that you can get a wide range of nutrients from and don't have extra junk added to them. 

Nourishing foods to add to your diet: oysters, liver/organ meats, eggs, raw dairy, probiotic foods, well-cooked veggies, broths, fresh fruit & juices, roots, broth/gelatin, seafood, & fermented grains. 

Once you feel like you have a good grasp on those things, this list is where I would start next:
1. Begin thinking about eating a nose-to-tail diet. I have a blog post about this where you can learn more- but the basics of this concept is eating a wider range of food. Not just eating muscle meats but also consuming collagen, fats, & organs from the animal will do amazing things for your health. 
2. Focus on getting your daily nutrients & minerals from the food you eat. Nutrients such as Vit B, Copper, Magnesium, & others are essential for a healthy body. The best way to get these in is by consuming them in food. Do some research on what foods are highest in the vitamins you need & then focus on eating those foods before you turn to a pill. 
3. Start having daily adrenal cocktails + carrot salads. These are two super easy ways to balance your blood sugar, detox extra hormones, and keep your digestive system running well. (I'll add graphics at the bottom of this post for instructions)
4. Ditch synthetic & modified sweeteners for real food sweeteners like maple syrup, coconut sugar, or honey. And of course, ditch the corn syrup-laden soda! 
5. Get sun on your skin! This may sound simple, but getting at least 20 minutes a day of sunshine on your skin & in your eyes is so so good for your body.
6. Switch to raw dairy! I have a whole guide about why Raw Diary is so incredible so go read that & you'll understand why. 

πŸ‘‡πŸΌTips for making grains healthy:πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Beans- cover in water with 1tbsp ACV & let sit 1-2 days before you eat them

Rice- buy organic white rice, soak 3hrs+ in bone broth, then cook it in bone broth

Flour- buy organic, unbleached white flour, then long (24hrs+) ferment your baked goods

Fresh ground flour- grind fresh, sift 25% of the bran out, store in the fridge & use within 3 days

Oatmeal- buy sprouted oats & soak in milk for 12hrs+ before cooking

I hope these tips help you get started! Happy nourishing!

Jessica Ash: Info on healing your body through nourishment

Podcast: More info on the "pro-metabolic" approach

Podcast: Breaking down popular diets

Podcast: Tips to restoring your metabolism 

This podcast has some amazing information on the importance of minerals.


Oils and Emotions


Nose-to-Tail Eating