Healing Painful Periods
Do you have monthly cycles that are long, heavy bleeding/clotting, bad PMS or acne, digestive issues, intense pain, or headaches? If you've just thought that these issues are normal & a part of being a woman- you're wrong! They are common issues, but not things that should be happening in a healthy body. All of these are signs that your body could use some nourishing & healing.
I recommend you go read my nourishing eating guide because it talks a lot more about nourishing your body. But when it especially comes to periods, here are some things that have helped me or that I have learned about how to help my body have easier periods.
Focus on nourishing your body with whole & bioavailable foods, healthy fats, & high-quality starchy carbs
Watch my healing periods highlight on Instagram
Research hormone disruptors. For example- candles, skin care products, shampoo, deodorant, perfume, bath salts, lotion, household cleaners, & more. Get them out of your life because they are messing with your body a ton.
Make a cramps roller with Fennel, Peppermint, Lavender, Dragon Time, & Lady Sclareol oil in it. 10 drops each. Roll it on every hour when you have your period.
Take NingXia Red, Mineral Essence, & Life 9 daily to help with cramps & healing your gut which will then help the rest of your body & cycles. (message me for a discount code)
When you feel sick to your stomach & don't want to eat- digize oil internally & topically, sipping on NingXia Red, & smelling Peace & Calming or Peppermint oil all may help
Cut out PUFA’s
Using these oils daily will help balance your hormones. (Young Living oils only) Clary Sage, Dragon Time, & Lady Sclareol. Also use Progessence Plus serum (progesterone support)
Ready to grab some oils, Ningxia Red, Mineral Essence or Life 9?
It's as simple as setting up an account & placing an order!
Click this link to see the whole Young Living website & products.
Pick out your items & add them to your cart. ($ saving tip) the bundles are the best way to go!
If you want to get an extra 24% off your orders for life- make sure your order is 100PV (point value)
Message me for a 10% off code.
Enter my member # 11818844 at checkout to join us!
These are all places to start- message me for more detailed help!
Jessica Ash also teaches more about this- here is her blog link.