Gut Health

Gut health is EVERYTHING!  Hippocrates once said "all disease begins in the gut" & it's true. The key to great health is great gut health!

Some of the signs that your gut needs some work include:
-Chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Poor immune system
-Headaches, brain fog, memory loss
-Excessive fatigue
-Skin rashes & problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
-Cravings for sugar or carbs
-Arthritis or joint pain
-Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD
-Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn's

Your gut is the base of the health of your entire body. 75% of messages in your body go from your gut to your brain- that's a HUGE %! When your gut is not well cared for, you will feel the effects in the rest of your body. There's even a growing wealth of research showing the connection between mood and gut health. Studies are finding that anxiety & depression are strongly linked to an imbalance of the gut flora. If you want to learn more about gut health or healing, we have a gut health class & gut healing protocols in our oily group. Check out my "Oily Team" page to learn more about how to access our oily group.

So what can we do for better gut health? Here are some ideas:

Foods that support gut health:

One other big things you can do for your gut health is taking a high-quality, live-strain probiotic. Why? 
Stress, medications, illness, sugar & processed grain consumption, & modern-day chemicals all serve to deplete our natural probiotic stores.
Because your immune system starts in your gut, many consider taking a high-quality probiotic to be one of the core pieces to overall health!
"Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria -- more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. It's now quite clear that the type and quantity of microorganisms in your gut interact with your body in ways that can either prevent or encourage the development of many diseases. The ideal ratio between the bacteria in your gut is 85 percent "good" & 15 percent "bad."

You want a source of good bacteria that can easily be absorbed, is diverse yet doesn't interact with each other or endogenous bacteria, & is potent enough to make a difference. This is why I love Life 9 probiotics from Young Living! Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promote healthy digestion, support gut health, and help maintain normal intestinal function for the overall support of a healthy immune system. These bacteria have been studied well to ensure that they work well together and even work synergistically, supporting each other's roles of improving digestion and overall health.

Other things to do for better gut health:
-Cut out processed sugar
-Eat soaked or fermented grains
-Focus on whole food & animal protein
-Cut out processed foods (especially carbs)
-Consume gut-supporting supplements

So get yourself some Life 9 and start taking care of your gut. Probiotics replenish the body's source of good bacteria & have been shown to:
-Assist the body with pte rpoduction of B Vitamins
-Improve nutrient absorption via healthy gut flora
-Support immune system function and recovery from infection
-Suppress unhealthy fungi and yeast such as Candida
-Improve overall digestion

How do I get a good probiotic (Life 9)?
It's as simple as setting up an account & placing an order!

  1. Click this link to see the whole Young Living website & products.

  2. Pick out your items & add them to your cart. ($ saving tip) the bundles are the best way to go!

  3. If you want to get an extra 24% off your orders for life- make sure your order is 100PV (point value)

  4. Text me for a 10% off code - 218-212-9941

  5. Enter my member # 11818844 at checkout to join us!


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